Saturday, 7 December, 2024
What’s with all these numbers? Every day I reach my desk, I have at least 7 appointments for weight loss consultations. There have been a lot of patients coming to me with problems related to excessive weight gain which I guess in today’s fast-paced world is as common as catching a cold. Anyone reading this blog would have already searched the internet, sought advice from friends, and even followed grandma’s recipes. So why should you be reading this all over again?
Owing to social media and the evergreen internet there is a lot of misinformation mixed with the actual facts. This blog is my way of taking all the information available and breaking it down into simpler facts.
From fad diets like keto, and intermittent fasting to eating only one meal a day, the word “diet” has been misused. What we need to concentrate on is NUTRITION. Short-term weight loss can be achieved via such diets but are they sustainable? Would you be able to change your daily eating habits to match such fads?
The answer is No! Everyone should not have ghee or protein shakes in the morning instead of meals. Understanding your gut health and the food habits that match your lifestyle is the right way forward. The term BMI is also outdated as what you actually need to know is your BCA – Body composition analysis. The amount of muscle mass vs fat content in your body is the prime indicator of fitness and that’s why it is important to balance the percentage of these instead of just aiming for loss in kgs!
We are all aware that we need to be active! But it takes a tremendous amount of effort to get up and hit the gym first thing in the morning. Choosing to just be more active throughout the day, taking stairs, walking and incorporating a dedicated fitness activity will go a long way – be it Yoga, HIIT, pilates, running etc. You need to again find an activity that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle. One size doesn’t fit all!
Thanks to the current anti-diabetes medicines such as semaglutide which have flooded the market as weight loss drugs, everyone is aware of them. From celebrities to the common man, everybody wants to take this “magic pill” and lose weight! But imagine not having diabetes and taking diabetic medicine to shed extra weight… Is that sensible?
Yes, there are indications where this can be used as an add-on treatment but it should be under the supervision of a medical practitioner. There are no long-term studies on the use of such drugs and already the side effects such as loss of muscle mass, gastric issues, hollowing, and aging appearance of the ace have started popping up.
There have been mainly 2 types of non-surgical balloons in the market which have helped in weight loss. The older one is placed and removed via endoscopy whereas the latest one is a swallow balloon which naturally passes out through your system. But again this is not for everyone. There are certain contraindications and safety measures that need to be taken. To know whether you are the right candidate for this non-surgical method, I would advise you to consult a doctor who is aware of such techniques and can guide you throughout the process. Remember, it is not an overnight solution, it also requires time and effort.
There is a saying – “ If one knows how to sell, you can even sell ice to an eskimo in Antarctica!”.
Non-invasive Body Contouring Treatments: Technologies like cryo-lipolysis (CoolSculpting), ultrasound therapy (Ultherapy), or radiofrequency has been pushed in the market way beyond their capabilities. Gimmicks such as – no need for any diet or exercise, losing weight without any effort, etc. have grossly misinformed people. I have had so many patients come to me after spending thousands of rupees on these gimmicks and ultimately realizing the money they have wasted.
Ofcourse, they are not completely worthless and have their own niche – they won’t result in significant weight loss but can help contour specific areas of the body and improve body composition.
You need to find the right method for YOU!
Bariatric surgery – This surgery is widely known but feared by a lot of people as there are many misconceptions about it. Bariatric surgery is not only for weight loss but it is a ray of hope for patients suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, breathlessness, painful knees, and spine issues which are due to obesity. Again there are different techniques of bariatric surgery and to know which one is best suited for you, you must consult a certified surgeon.
Plastic surgery – Everybody loves to talk about Liposuction! I cannot even begin to tell you about the number of misinformed, half-baked knowledge sharing and celebrity gossip mongers that I have met.
First of all – This is NOT a weight loss surgery. It is for body contouring and to address stubborn pockets of fat which just wont go despite all your workouts and efforts.
Second – It is NOT just for celebrities. Liposuction is a wonderful technique which can be suitable for anyone and can help contour any body part from chin to calves!
Third – It is NOT unsafe. Unfortunately all the news around liposuction comes out when there is a complication. Any surgical procedure can have a complication IF proper screening is not done and due to the manyyyy quacks and non-licensed and non plastic surgeons promoting this procedure in unsafe settings, the rate of complications has risen. Always talk to a certified Plastic surgeon for liposuction and then take an informed decision.
Having mentioned all the solutions in the market, it is imperative that you find one that is sustainable and sensible. Understanding your relationship with food, your eating habits, lifestyle, your fitness goals, and most importantly your body will help you maintain desired results. I always tell my patients, it is a 50-50 partnership. I can help you achieve a result but you must also be motivated to maintain it. After all, it is not a short-term thing we want but a lifestyle we would want to lead.
It doesn’t have to be THE END of the road for anyone seeking to do the right thing. YOU have to just start
somewhere, whether it is sleeping on time, deleting those nasty food delivery apps from your phone, or even dancing in your room for 10 minutes.Don’t compare your journey with anyone else, and don’t believe everything you see and hear – ANY START IS A GOOD START if it is as simple as walking in for a consultation.